company full name | HERMAN'S HARDLAB, družba za računalniške storitve, d.o.o. |
company name | HARDLAB d.o.o. |
address | Ulica gledališča BTC 10, 1000 Ljubljana |
company registration number | 1674811000 |
tax number | SI74916653 |
founding capital | 74.763,00 €, payed in full |
transaction account | SI56 0310 0100 1277 750 opened at SKB bank |
legal representative | Žiga Osterc |
The company is registered with the District Court in Ljubljana under the registration number 13553700.
The company is subject to VAT.
Hardlab is an established company in the field of applications and content, and different products for mobile telephony in Slovenia. The company has been established in 2002 and since then we have been active in the field of mobile telephony. We are active on Slovenian as well as foreign markets. Our primary focus is development of mobile and Internet communication channels and products and at the same time we are the first specialized agency for mobile marketing in Slovenia.