A mobile site that lets users download wallpapers, ringtones and video trailers from their favorite movies. All content on this site is provided free of charge.
MOVIES to 3737
This mobile site uses state of the art image rendering to give the best possible experience on any mobile device. Each scene features a full length video which is streamed to mobile device and a gallery consisting of full screen images in highest resolution possible. The site is based on monthly fee, but all the content on it can be viewed free of charge and as many times as the subscriber wishers.
2HOT to 3737
Izimobil is mobile operator in Slovenia. We made them a complete solution for a mobile portal. Users can access a wide array of information including weather, news, traffic reports, movie schedule, TV schedule, astrological forecast... Ringtones, nametones, wallpapers and videos are also available to purchase.
We made a mobile site for Croatia's most popular band Colonia. That way their fans would always have access to bands discography, biography, date of concerts and anything the band would choose to share with them. Fans can also donwload ringtones of their favorite tunes directly to their mobile device.
COLONIA to 88037